Night time with iluminated wagon |
Steam train crossing viaduct |
HapuaWhenua viaducts, Tongariro NP |
Freight Train crossing viaduct |
Shotover Skippers Road, Queenstown |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Acheron Accommodation house |
Historic steam train on viaduct |
Fake miniature steam train |
Weatherd farm building |
Weathered hut under stormy sky |
Looking along wall of mud house |
Karangahake Gorge mining heritage |
Otago University Clock tower |
Dunedin Railway Station |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Oamaru heritage precinct |
Old Stone Hut, Shotover River, Otago |
Old Stone Hut, Shotover River, Otago |
Staveley lime kilns, Canterbury |
Oamaru heritage precinct |
Charles Suisted stables 1848, Otago |
Charles Suisted stables 1848, Otago |
Oamaru heritage buildings |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Sandymount lime kilns, Otago |
Matanaka farm bldgs, Otago |
Dunedin Railway Station |
Dunedin Railway Station |
Dunedin Railway Station |
Otago University Clock tower |
Dunedin Railway Station |
Dunedin Railway Station |
Ophir Post Office, Central Otago |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Karangahake Gorge mining heritage |
Karangahake Gorge mining heritage |
Karangahake Gorge mining heritage |
Waikato historic goldfields walk |
Karangahake Gorge mining heritage |
Country road, Hurunui |
Te Aroha heritage |
Te Aroha heritage |
Karangahake Gorge mining heritage |
Karangahake Gorge mining heritage |
Hurworth historic cottage, Taranaki |
Hurworth historic cottage, Taranaki |
Horopito Motors, Ohakune |
Horopito Motors, Ohakune |
Pompallier Mission, Bay of Islands |
Historic Tophouse, St Arnaud |
Isel House, Stoke, Nelson |
Brunner Mine heritage, Greymouth |
Otago University Clock tower |
Otago University Clock tower |
Otago University Clock tower |
Historic Macetown cottage |