Part of the Drygalski Ice Tongue, the 50 kilometre long, 20km wide, seaward extension of the David Glacier, Victoria Land, Ross Sea, Antarctica Region, Antarctica stock photo.

Part of the Drygalski Ice Tongue, the 50 kilometre long, 20km wide, seaward extension of the David Glacier, Victoria Land, Ross Sea, Antarctica Region, Antarctica, stock photo.

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Rob Suisted
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Part of the Drygalski Ice Tongue, the 50 kilometre long, 20km wide, seaward extension of the David Glacier, Victoria Land, Ross Sea, Antarctica Region, Antarctica

Part of the Drygalski Ice Tongue, the 50 kilometre long, 20km wide, seaward extension of the David Glacier, Victoria Land, Ross Sea, Antarctica Region, Antarctica Stock Photo

Ross Sea, Antarctica Region, Antarctica Rob Suisted

Part of the Drygalski Ice Tongue, the 50 kilometre long, 20km wide, seaward extension of the David Glacier, Victoria Land, Ross Sea, Antarctica Region, Antarctica